Friday, December 16, 2011

PowerPoint presentations

The students have been very busy this week researching explorers.  After gathering all of their information, we headed to the computer lab to learn a new skill.  Working with partners, students created PowerPoint presentations which they will share with their classmates next week.   They caught on very quickly, and learned how to bullet important information, click and drag photos onto their slides, and add custom animation to their slides.  The presentations came out terrific!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fractions and math facts

We have begun studying fractions this week.  This unit can be challenging for students who have not mastered their math facts.  Fortunately, I have a terrific website called xtramath that can help reinforce these facts.  I will be handing out a password to each student this week.  Each time the student goes on the website there will be a fact quiz for them to take.  Each quiz only takes about two minutes to complete.  It is suggested that they only take one quiz a day.  The website starts each student with addition facts.  When the child masters addition, they are moved on to subtraction facts.  Once they master subtraction, they are given multiplication facts.   I think that the website is engaging for the students, and if they commit to practicing just two minutes EVERYday, I believe they will see a significant increase in their fact knowledge in a very short time.  I will be tracking the use of this website for students who have not mastered their facts, and their participation will factor in to their effort grade for second term, so please make sure that your child has signed in with the password that I give them this week.