Friday, February 10, 2012

Guest bloggers

For social studies we had our 13 Colony projects due today.  We presented them in front of the class.   We filled out graphic organizers and made them into a book.  Our 13 Colony test is next Thursday.  
In math we have been reviewing fractions.  We made flip books that are like our own mini student reference book.  They talk about different topics that we have been doing in math.  We have also been multiplying decimals because everyone was having trouble with this. 
In reading we have started literature circles again.  We are reading mysteries such as The Ghost Children, From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, The Freedom Trail Mystery, Snow Treasure, and How to Disappear Completely without and Never Be Found.  We have learned new mystery terms such as red herring, sleuth, victim, suspect, suspense, cliff hanger and foreshadowing.  We are continuing to do think notes while reading.
In Science we took our soil quiz this week.  We will be reading about weathering and erosion next week, and then catastrophic events after vacation.   We also did a web quest on rocks, minerals and soil in the computer lab.
We have finished our personal narratives and gone on to poetry.  So far we have written haiku, diamante, and I Am From poems.  We are also reading Pizza, Pigs & Poetry by Jack Prelutsky. 
Next week we will celebrate Valentine’s Day by bringing our own special, nut-free snack.  If you want to bring in a valentine treat, please make it non-edible.  Also, if you bring any valentine cards, please bring one for everyone. 
We continue to talk about leadership in
Open Circle
.  We talked about how we can lead the younger kids by setting good examples.  We are keeping track of what we do this week so that we can share next week.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Math help

This week we will be testing order of operations in math, and then beginning a new unit on fractions.  The students have done a very nice job with order of operations, but if they wish to study before the test, Here is a terrific link that explains order of operations very well.  Here is another great link that would be helpful reviewing fractions.  In class we have been stressing that effort is an important component of success across the curriculum, particularly in math where many problems require multiple steps to be completed correctly.