Friday, March 30, 2012

Great website!

One of the students just showed me a great website that I want to pass along.  It has many fifth grade math and science concepts that are presented in video format.  Many of the concepts also have a karaoke song about the topic, and they all have an area where students can test their knowledge.  What a great way to study for a test!  Here is the link.  Enjoy.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bay Colony Educators

It has been another busy week at Parmenter School.  We have another guest blogger to fill us in on all of the details.
           This week we are working on coordinate grids, volume, and area in math.  In science, we did catastrophic events PowerPoint presentations. 

Also, on Wednesday we had a visit from the Bay Colony Educators.  They taught us about what it was like to be a kid in the 1700s in Franklin.  There wasn’t much money back then because 9 out of 10 people did farming.  When you lost your first tooth you were considered an adult!  When you were a kid school wasn’t such a big deal, and sometimes you didn’t get to go to it.  So, in school, if you were left handed they tied your left hand behind your back and you had to learn how to be right handed.  They taught us that they put a brick in a fire and then put is in a wool bag and placed it on their chest to warm their heart and lungs when the hunters were outside in the winter.  Clothing was very different because they had wooden shoes that the man, Tim, could stand on without hurting Carol’s foot.  Also, the men shaved their hair off and bought a wig to look fancier.  Usually if you had a wig that meant you were rich.  It was very interesting to the presentation.  Thanks to the PCC for bringing this to our school!
Also on Thursday we continued DARE and went over marijuana and how bad it is for you.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reptile and Birds of Prey show

On Monday, March 5, 2012, there was an animal show which showed reptiles and birds of prey.  For the reptiles it showed snakes, lizards, and turtles. 

Marie Isaac showed us bones of the animals.  When she had the lizard, she brought it up the aisle and put it in Mrs. Duhamel’s face!  It brought out it’s tongue and was smelling her. 

She also brought out a crocodile that was 4 feet long.  She had said that when she found it, it was only 2 ½ feet long.
 She showed us some feathers of birds, as well as some bones.  It was interesting that the bones were hollow so that they could fly easier.  When she brought out the hawk, it tried to fly away but she was holding a string that attached to it’s feet.  She was calling it by it’s name and petting it.  Marie showed us the hawk’s wingspan, which was really pretty. 

After the hawk, she brought out a falcon. 
It was showing off by showing it’s wings and making noises.  Then she showed us an owl.  It can turn it’s head all the way around.  It looked like a robot.  There was also a turkey vulture.  

It’s head was completely bald.  It was the biggest bird we had seen.    Thank you to the PCC for having this show for us.  It was exciting!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome back!

          Room 23 students have had a busy week back from vacation!  We have been reading a lot of non-fiction, discussion text features and text structure in a way that deepens our understanding.  Here is a great link to the five text structures that we have discussed.  Here is another link that explains text features and allows you to practice using them in an interactive manner.  In math we are continuing to practice multplying fractions and mixed numbers.  There will be a test next week on converting between fractions, decimals and percents, converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers, adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions and mixed numbers, and finding equivalent fractions.  All of these skills can be practiced on IXL.