Friday, September 28, 2012

Time has been flying, so we must be having fun!

The students and I were talking today about how quickly the month of September has gone.  It seems like we just got back to school, and yet one tenth of our year is already completed!  September has been a very busy month in room 23.  We have spent a lot of time in class establishing routines for Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops.  The children have an excellent understanding of how to choose just right books, and most have built their stamina to read for at least 30 minutes without stopping.   They have also created many seed ideas for future writing projects.  We have started studying simple machines in science, and in social studies we have begun learning about the Mayan civilization. 
The children have been working hard on math skills with the IXL program and have already spent a total of 79 hours and 19 minutes performing 14,973 problems!  All of this time has been spent at home, and is a clear testament to their strong work ethic.  Some of the concepts that we have covered in class that can be reinforced through IXL are place value (sections A.1 and A.4), decimals (sections C.1, C.2, and C.3), addition and subtraction (sections D.1, D.2, D.3, D.4, and D.10), addition and subtraction of decimals (E.1 and E.2), and number theory (sections K.1, K.2, K.3, K.4, and K.5).
The Living Wax Museum will be assigned next week.  Please look for the guidelines in your child’s folder, and help them choose a biography that is written at their reading level, and is interesting to them.  The date of our presentation will be Thursday, November 8, 2012.  I look forward to seeing you all then.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Welcome back

Welcome to the Room 23 blog.  I like to use this tool to communicate what is going on in the classroom, offer you sneak peeks into the classroom via pictures, and pass along tips that will help your child be successful in fifth grade.
It has been a pleasure getting to know your children over the past couple of weeks.  They are a happy, cooperative group who have already demonstrated an excellent work ethic.  I am excited to think about the growth they will experience over the next ten months!
One of the things that I will be speaking with you about at Curriculum Night on Thursday is building excitement about books.  I have numerous ways that I will attempt to do this in the classroom, including offering senior citizen reading partners and book buddies, challenging your child to read books so that they can vote for the Massachusetts Children's Book Award for 2013, as well as ordering from Scholastic Books.  If you would like to order online you can click here to connect to their website.
There is a great deal of additional information to pass along to you at Curriculum Night.  I look forward to meeting you all then.