Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Here's the latest news

     In reader’s workshop we have begun writing personal narratives.  Students have created timelines of their stories and spent time developing interesting leads.  We are working on focusing on a small period of time and describing it deeply.

     Students continue to work hard on math using IXL.  They have completed over 30,000 math problems this year!   Here is another great website they can use to practice using a protractor to measure angles, and another where they can have fun while studying the properties of polygons.

     We are wrapping up our study of simple machines by looking at how the design process works.  We will be building go-carts in class using the design process.  After that we will begin our study of matter.

     The children are creating posters to demonstrate their understanding of Incan culture.  Look for pictures of these on the blog soon.  We will finish the ancient civilization unit by studying the Aztecs.

    The Living Wax Museum is creeping up on us.  Please make sure that your child has written and 
memorized a speech that includes all important information about their character, created a poster with a biopoem and pictures, and has a simple costume to wear that represents their person from history.  We hope you will join us when they present on November 8th.

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