Friday, November 16, 2012

Reading Workshop

          The class has just finished reading Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.  We used an interactive reading approach, and stopped and discussed the book after each chapter.   The children used a variety of reading strategies to deepen their understanding of the text, and learned how to use direct quotes from the book when responding to the text in writing.  They watched how the character changed over the course of the book, and wrote well developed essays including specific details from the text as a culminating activity.  Finally, we will be watching the movie and making comparisons between the two.
          In the coming weeks we will be working on the determining importance unit.  We will be scrutinizing text structure and text features in non-fiction text, and examining how an author uses those to explain things to the reader.  Here is a great poster which explains text structure, and another outlining text features.  Your child will have both of these in their literacy binder at school, however you may wish to print them out to have a copy at home.  We will be working towards a goal of having the children create informational writing pieces using strategies learned in reading workshop.
          Although I do not assign a specific amount of reading each evening, I want to remind families of the importance of reading daily.  Look for as many fun opportunities to read as you can.  Here is a list of suggestions from Scholastic.  Although it is geared for middle schoolers, the ideas are perfect for fifth graders, as well.
          Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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